2017 – 2016 – 2015 – 2014 – 2013

“Swimming and Kayaking through the Straight of Hormuz from Iran to Oman”
The Paddler ezine (Dimitri Kieffer / Peter Tranter) – English – Thursday May 11, 2017
“Sir, please explain to us why you want to cross the Strait of Hormuz by human power?”
This is a question which I have had to respond on so many occasions over the last few years in regards to not only being allowed to cross the Strait of Hormuz but also other strategic bodies of water and landmasses such as the Bering Strait, Chukotka (Russia), the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and even currently while asking the permission to kayak across the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea).
Simply put, my answer was: Because I needed to get through!

“Circumnavigating the globe reveals interconnectedness of humanity — French-American traveller”
The Jordan Times (Saeb Rawashdeh / Stefan Branisavljevic) – English – Wednesday April 19, 2017
Travelling around the world by cycling, rowing and walking exposes a human being to a number of other humans and elements, said a French-American traveller.
According to Dimitri Kieffer, if one has the time for it, he or she should go out to explore and learn more about the world we live in.
“The more you get to see our world, hopefully, the greater respect you will gain for it and for its complexities,” he said during a recent visit to Jordan.

“American traveler Dimitri Bernard Kieffer arrived in the afternoon inTabuk”
Sada Tabuk website (Marwan Mohammed Alhlouli) – Arabic – Thursday February 23, 2017
American traveler Dimitri Bernard Kieffer arrived around 18:00 in the holy center of Tabuk on his bicycle. He traveled under the protection of the security authorities who have accompanied his arrival to Tabuk.
Dimitri will be continuing from Tabuk to Aqaba in Jordan. He thanked the Saudi citizens and the security agencies for having provided to him full protection during his journey.

“Tabuk hosts American bicycle traveler Dmitry”
Sada Tabuk website (Marwan Mohammed Alhlouli) – Arabic – Wednesday February 22, 2017
US traveler Dimitri Bernard Kieffer was spotted on camera arriving yesterday evening to the holy center. Coming from Ela Province on his bicycle, he was greeted by staff of the station.
Dimitri’s trip will continue, heading to the city of Tabuk as he progresses on his campaign to circumnavigate the world by human power.

The Explorers Log – English – Monday April 4, 2016
Dimitri Kieffer MN’09 is currently in the midst of a human powered expedition around the world intended to connect different societies, civilizations, and landscapes. He started in Ancnorage, Alaska USA in February 2005 and is progressing intermittently according to local visa restrictions and weather conditions.

“Cycling couple attend ceremony in Tehran”
Veterans Newspaper, Bandar Abbas – Persian – Tuesday December 22, 2015
A cycling couple in Tehran with 50 percent of French and Russian, attended ceremony with Yousefi deputy head of Hormozgan Foundation Cultural and Social Affairs Directorate General, on Monday, 23rd of December.

Darya News, Iran – Persian – Sunday December 20, 2015
Expeditionists Dimitri and Gulnara Kieffer travels in Iran.

Shahr e Babak News, Iran – Persian – Tuesday December 1, 2015
Dimitri and Gulnara Kieffer travel around the world by human power.

Choopanan News – Persian – Sunday November 1, 2015
On a cold autumn evening I met the two foreign cyclists on the road to Chvpananayn Zrvmnd. A woman from Russia, and a man from France, traveling a path toward the northern borders of Surrey.

“Traveling around the world in the coastal town Gaz + Pictures”
Kenare Iranian News – Persian – Tuesday September 22, 2015
Dmitry Bernard Kieffer, coming from a background in the tech industry, and Gulnara Kieffer travel around the world.

“Crossing Turkmenistan, A Rare Chance: Kieffer’s World Circumnavigation”
Correne Coetzer – English – Tuesday August 25, 2015
Turkmenistan is very closed to the outside world, but Dimitri Kieffer and his wife Gulnara managed to get permission to cover this country on Dimitri’s route around the world.
News shot over from Dimitri yesterday, reporting their cycling in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan is completed, with some “balmy cycling days in the desert, up to 47 degrees celsius.”

“World Circumnavigation: Dimitri Kieffer’s 2015 route”
Correne Coetzer – English – Tuesday August 11, 2015
(Correne Coetzer) To be able to reach Eastern Africa the most directly, Nexus Expedition’s first and foremost needs to cross the Arabian Peninsula, “while skipping obviously any country which are currently facing domestic wars and/or facing the threat of potential ISIS, al-Qaeda, or else, related kidnapping and/or murdering, especially in Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Libya,” Dimitri Kieffer explained in his blog.

Swedish Club News – English – Thursday January 1, 2015
On Friday, Jan. 16, Seattle-based, Franco-American expeditionist Dimitri Kieffer will visit the Swedish Club to give a talk on his adventures while walking across the Bering Strait. This trip was the beginning of his quest to travel around the globe solely under human power. His Nexus Expedition World Circumnavigation began in Anchorage, Alaska, in 2005. Thus far Dimitri has traveled 17,814 km (11,069 miles), trekking, skiing, swimming, paddling and biking across the Bering Strait, then into and across Russia, Mongolia and China as well as Central Asia.
Dimitri is currently planning the next leg of his expedition for 2015–16: cycling and paddling from Central Asia to southwest Africa, rowing across the Atlantic Ocean, cycling through Latin America to reach his second antipode in Chile, and finally cycling back north to return to the starting point of his expedition in Alaska. At completion, the trip will total approximately 60,000 km (38,000 miles). Read more about Dimitri and his adventures at www.nexusexpedition.com. His talk begins at 7 p.m.

“Karl Fuchs magazine, Kazan, Russia”
Karl Fuchs magazine – Russian – Monday September 1, 2014
Dimitri and Gulnara were asked what are some of the unique items they take on the road and they responded:
– Amulets which were given to them along the road.
– Uncommon US 2$ “lucky” bills to give away as souvenirs.
– “Point It” visual dictionary to express themselves when they don’t know the local language.
They collect:
– Local postcards which they send from each country they crossed, to family members and close friends.
– Handmade items which they find on the road such as this Tajik handmade paintbrush.
– Local traditional hats which Dimitri enjoys wearing along the way, on and off the bike.

“The Best Quest website: Nexus Expedition: Kyrgyzstan to Tajikistan.”
The Best Quest website (Greg Michaels) – English – Tuesday July 1, 2014
Dimitri Kieffer and his wife Gulnara Miftakhova continue their human-powered Nexus Expedition by bicycle from Kyrgyzstan to Tajikistan. With understandable apprehensiveness before entering the Pamir region of Tajikistan where violent clashes and riots recently occurred, they, seemingly as always in their journeys, encountered colorful people and events.

“Oerlikon 24 hours around the world”
Oerlikon – English – Thursday April 10, 2014
Oerlikon showing off applications of their technologies in an ‘around the globe’ view.

“Vesheriniy Bishkek Newspaper Interview”
Vesheriniy Bishkek – Russian – Friday March 7, 2014
Vesheriniy Bishkek interview with Dimitri & Gulnara.

“Vesheriniy Bishkek Interview With Pictures”
Amalia Benliyan – Russian – Thursday March 6, 2014
Dimitri and Gulnara Kieffer pause their global circumnavigation to hang out in Bishkek.

Experimentalist.ro – Romanian – Friday November 1, 2013
Primul circumnavigator al planetei recunoscul de istorie a fost Magellan: in 1519 a parasit coasta Spainiei si sa intors in 1522, dupa ce traversase Atlanticul, Pacificul si Oceanul Indian. L-au urmat altii, cu diferite mijlocace de transport si cu mai mult sau mai putin succes.

Stephanie Pearson, Outdoor Magazine – English – Tuesday October 8, 2013
There are a handful of accomplishments that can anchor your expedition résumé. Summiting Everest. Sailing around the world alone. Schlepping to a pole. Then there’s the rare feat of crossing the Bering Strait, a physical challenge that few have even attempted, due to dicey international politics.

“ExWeb interview with Gulnara Kieffer, Baptism of Fire on The Road of Bones”
ExplorersWeb – English – Tuesday August 27, 2013
(By Correne Coetzer) With a lack of long distance cycling experience, but enough Russian cold winters in her life, in 2011 Gulnara decided to join seasoned explorer Dimitri Kieffer on a 2100 km cycle journey, as part of his human-power circumnavigation. The infamous Road of Bones was part of her Baptism of Fire, which, earlier this year, led to Dimitri proposing to her.

“ExWeb interview with Dimitri Kieffer, from a Russian detention to where the camels roam free”
ExplorersWeb – English – Monday August 26, 2013
(By Correne Coetzer) In 2006, when Dimitri Kieffer and Karl Bushby planned on crossing the Bering Strait by foot, they thought that it will take them at least 3 years to succeed. They succeeded on their first attempt and landed in Russia, only to be detained in isolation from the world and from each other by the Russian border guards.

“Swim relay across the icy waters of the Bering Strait”
Polar ExplorersWeb – English – Wednesday July 31, 2013
In 2006 Dimitri Kieffer and Karl Busby crossed the Bering Strait without support by walking on stable ice, crawling on unstable ice, climbing over ridges and swimming in open water while pulling sleds with their provisions. The duo started from Wales, Alaska, and landed in Uelen, Chukotka, Russia. They completed the 200 miles / 322 kilometers in 14 days from March 17-31, 2006. 5 days were spent swimming.

“Adventurer Making Human Powered Circumnavigation Of The Globe”
The Adventure Blog – English – Tuesday July 30, 2013
Dimitri Kieffer is a lot of things. Born in France, he now holds dual citizenship in that country and the U.S. He is an international businessman, member of the Explorers Club, an ultrarunner and adventure racer, amongst other things. He also happens to be making a human powered circumnavigation of the globe, a journey he is making in stages as he explorers the cultures and histories of the places that he visits along the way.

“Ride your bike through Ulaanbaatar”
Lothar Abenteuer – German – Monday June 10, 2013
The people we meet here are “completely crazy”. Dimitri, who has French and Russian roots, stems from the States. He is traveling throughout the world only by self-powered means.

Touren Fahrer – German – Monday June 10, 2013
New faces, new stories, new philosophies. All interesting, all worth listening to. As that of Dimitri, who lives in Seattle. An extremist when it comes to traveling. His goal – to circumnavigate the world on his own. “Human powered,” as it is called Dimitri. The only tools that he allows himself to this ordeal, bike, sled or rowing boat are (with whom he wants to cross the Atlantic) – all things that he can move with his muscles.

“Nexus Expeditions – Dimitri’s Epic Journey”
Egan & Associates – English – Friday May 10, 2013
Have you met our friend Dimitri Kieffer?
He is back in Mongolia preparing to start the next leg of his journey around the globe. Kieffer is on a mission to circumnavigate the globe using only human power while connecting different societies, civilizations and landscapes. On this section of his trip he will be going to West Africa, via China, Kazakhstan and multiple other countries.

Quick Wiki – English – Thursday March 14, 2013
In March 2006, Briton Karl Bushby and French-American adventurer Dimitri Kieffer crossed the strait on foot, walking across a frozen 90 km (56 mi) section in 15 days. They were soon arrested for not entering Russia through a border control.

Snowsled Co. – English – Wednesday March 13, 2013
In 1998 Karl Bushby started walking from the Southern tip of South America, and, by 2005, with an American Dimitri Kieffer, he had reached the Bering Strait, between Alaska and Russia. Snowsled supplied his ‘North Pole’ pulks for the winter journey up through Alaska to Cape Prince of Wales, and for the awesome crossing of the moving pack-ice to Russia in March 2006.

“Evernew America Sponsored Athlete”
Evernew America – English – Tuesday March 12, 2013
French native, Dimitri moved to the United States in 1983 at the age of 17 in order to pursue a college education in international business. He spent his first
year in the US as an exchange student in Puyallup high school, Washington state and the next 5 years at the University of Washington in Seattle where he obtained two degrees, focusing on international trade.

“Photo Essay of the Week #4 – Dimitri Kieffer”
No Direction Home – English – Sunday March 10, 2013
World-class adventurer and founder of Nexus Expeditions, Dimitri Kieffer has taken on a campaign of global proportions. Under the banner of Nexus, Dimitri is circumnavigating the globe through human power while connecting different societies, civilizations and landscapes. And he’s damn good at what he does.